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Final Conference in Macerata (Italy)

On Monday 17th April 2023 from 3.30 to 5.30 PM at Polo Bertelli in University of Macerata (Italy), Claudia Santoni and Giulia Rogante presented the Italian Final Conference of the RadArt Project "Radicalization in the European context between risks and prevention models: prevent radicalization through creative methodologies".

2023-05-23T10:48:05+02:0017 kwietnia 2023|Events, Multiplier Event, news|

Final Conference in Bruxelles

Creative tools, cooperative approaches, guidelines and recommendations in order to recognise and prevent the risk of violent radicalization among young people, giving them stimulus and different opportunities. This
conference is an opportunity to know and discuss all the outputs that RadArt partnership produced about this topic.

2023-05-23T10:48:18+02:0024 marca 2023|Events, Multiplier Event, news|

Jak szkoliliśmy się w zakresie działań artystycznych tworzonych w celu zapobiegania gwałtownej radykalizacji

Projekt RadArt trwa. Kwestionariusze i wywiady stworzyły wyraźniejszy obraz [...]

2022-01-03T12:48:15+01:003 stycznia 2022|news|

Art as a tool to build resilience of youth against violent radicalisation: Key findings of the RADART survey

In order to develop the Manual for youth workers including creative and digital methodologies to recognise and prevent radicalisation processes, from February until April 2021,the Radart Partnership have collected 71 questionnaires and interviews aiming to analyse the point of view of young people regarding art as a tool to prevent violent radicalisation.

2021-07-07T12:15:19+02:007 lipca 2021|news|
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